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Archive for the ‘ Mobile ’ Category

7 Steps of Mobile App Development Process: From Idea to Launch Mobile app development is a fairly standard and straightforward process. It includes strategy, design, development and deployment, pretty much like any other software development project. However, if you have never been involved in software development before, you may find it a bit lengthy at [...]

Oct 14, 2022


How to Make a Fitness Application: Types, Key Features, Monetization Models and Cost Fitness app downloads broke many records in 2020 and show equally impressive numbers this year. The market is booming. It’s getting more diverse and vibrant as new business models and advancements in sports technology emerge. Growth of fitness app downloads. Image credit: Statista Сompetition is [...]

Aug 05, 2021


How to Develop a Telemedicine Application: Key Features, Steps and Technologies Pandemic enhanced the role of telehealth in global healthcare and changed the investment and startup environment like no other event or technology. Today, telehealth and telemedicine application development are already associated with big business opportunities that should stay relevant long after the pandemic is [...]

Jul 10, 2021


How to Create a Smart Home Application for Home Automation Global smart home market shows steady gains no matter what, and no pandemic or erupting volcano seems to stop it. Strategy Analytics predicts that, despite a slight slowdown in 2020, this sector will add about 15% CAGR each year. This growth explains the increasing demand [...]

May 07, 2021


Top Mobile App Categories during COVID-19 What is it they say, where one door shuts, another opens? The pandemic has certainly shut many doors for many people. But it has also brought some opportunities in disguise. Just look at the spike in mobile app usage in COVID-19. Diet and weight loss apps alone saw a [...]

Apr 09, 2021


How to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs If only there was a formula to reduce mobile app development costs without affecting the quality of the final product. The bad news is that there’s no universal solution. Every single application is unique, hence, no golden rule to cut the cost of mobile app development. There are, [...]

Feb 20, 2021


Patient Engagement Mobile Apps for Pharma The majority (60%) of clinicians and healthcare industry leaders believe effective patient engagement makes a serious impact on the quality of care and can substantially decrease the costs in the system, according to the survey held by NEJM Catalyst. Despite existing barriers in the field, every active participant in [...]

Dec 27, 2020


Why Choosing Flutter for Your MVP Project Recently, we’ve talked about the benefits of using Flutter in mobile and IoT development and how using this toolkit helps businesses save a ton of time and a lot of money. In this article, we will dwell on this subject from the perspective of MVP development and try [...]

Sep 11, 2020


10 Flutter Advantages for Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile App Development If you are considering cross-platform development on your project, you’ve probably thought about Flutter. There is a serious buzz around this toolkit, and several big brands like Alibaba and Phillips have already tried it on their mobile apps. In this article, we are [...]

Aug 19, 2020


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